MCDO collaboration with Volunteer Travels
Explore the different volunteer opportunities with Mgahinga Community Development Organization that are organized in close collaboration with our partners in Sweden.
Mgahinga Community Development Organization (MCDO
Volunteer Partnership with Volunteer Travels / Volontärresor
Mgahinga Community Development Organization is currently working in partnership with a Swedish based travel company, Volunteer Travels (Volontärresor in Swedish), to promote volunteer service projects in Kisoro, Uganda. A number of volunteers, mostly from Sweden have so participated in this outstanding volunteer program. The volunteers work at local schools to teach English, sports, and computer literacy. Some of the open placements are described below.
Pre-school teaching
Computer literacy
Sports and swimming

Volunteers may participate in teaching English, physical education, and other classes at the Mgahinga Community Junior School. The school population is around 150 pupils, which makes the class-ratio small compared to public schools in the area. To learn more about the school, follow this link.
Computer literacy education involves teaching students basic skills in computing such as word processing and how to use the internet. Some of the primary schools that MCDO supports have few computers, but donations are always welcome if volunteers have the means to support the schools in acquiring computers.
MCDO has hosted volunteers who have taught young stars how to swim. This is mainly done at Mutanda Eco Community Centre, a conservation site run by MCDO.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, you may reach Volunteer Travels directly or contact MCDO at volunteer@mcdou.org